Areas of Study 3
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Western Culture I

Courses in this category give students a basic understanding of the Biblical and/or Classical foundations of Western culture.

ARCH 214agHistory of Architecture: Antiquity through the Middle Ages
CLAS 150gCivilization of Greece
CLAS 151gCivilization of Rome
CLAS 280gClassical Mythology
CLAS 300gWomen in Antiquity
CLAS 320gmDiversity and the Classical Western Tradition
CLAS 348gThe Athenian Century
COLT 150xg Literature and Western Civilization I
FA 120gWestern Art to 1500
FA 330gMedieval Art
HIST 101gmThe Ancient World
HIST 102gMedieval Civilization
HIST 301gThe Greek World
HIST 316gThe Renaissance
HIST 405gIntellectual History of the Middle Ages
HIST 408gHistory of Ancient and Medieval Science
JS 100gIntroduction to Jewish History
JS 180gIntroduction to Judaism
JS 328gJudaism and Christian Beginnings
JS 357gJerusalem: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim "Holy City"
LING 280gScript and Culture: The Western Tradition
PHIL 100gThe Western Philosophical Tradition: Classical Beginnings
PHIL 315gHistory of Western Philosophy: Ancient Period
REL 132gReligions of the West
REL 240gIntroduction to Western Religious Thought
REL 310gOld Testament Literature and History
REL 311gThe Bible in Western Literature
REL 317gAncient Myth and Modern Life
REL 320gNew Testament Literature and History
REL 325gReligious Experience in the Greco-Roman World
REL 480gHistory of Christianity
THTR 213gHistory and Literature of the Theatre I

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995