500 Nursing Theories (3) Analysis of major nursing theories and theory development. Prerequisite: admission to M.S.N. Program or departmental approval.
501 Introduction to Enterostomal Therapy Nursing (4, Sp) This course reviews the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the GI, GU, and Integumentary systems. Nursing Assessment and appropriate intervention will be emphasized.
502 Advanced Enterostomal Therapy Nursing (4, Sp) This course is designed to provide the student the opportunity to review and integrate the use of knowledge of nutrition, counseling, and teaching as each applies to these clients. Concepts of role implementation will also be explored. Corequisite: NURS 501.
503 Introduction to Care Coordination (4) An introduction to and general overview of care coordination (case management) including definition, models and factors affecting program implementation.
504 Skills for Care Coordination (4) Second in a series designed to prepare case managers to practice in various settings. Emphasis on skill acquisition: assessment, communication, planning, advocacy, negotiation, and evaluation. Corequisite: NURS 503.
505L Role-Practicum and Seminar in Care Coordination (4) Advanced seminar topics related to advanced nursing practice in care coordination. Residency with preceptor and faculty guidance in care coordination. Prerequisite: NURS 503; corequisite: NURS 504.
511 Health Care Delivery System (4, FaSp) Analysis of the health care system; economic, political, and societal driving forces; nursing care delivery systems; successful management functions and strategies; current trends and issues. Prerequisite: NURS 500.
512L Enterostomal Therapy Practicum (4, Sp) The practicum components provide the student with the opportunity to perform the skills in advanced Enterostomal Therapy Nursing in a collaborative practice with Certified Enterostomal Therapist Nurses wherever clients access the Health Care System. Lab discussion will be 1 unit of 4. Corequisite: NURS 501, NURS 502.
514 Nursing and Health Care Economics (4, Sp) Basic foundation for understanding economics in nursing and health care; consumer demand, resources, utilization, cost, and market theory for explanatory and evaluation purposes.
516 Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing (2, FaSp) Development of advanced practice roles in nursing from historical, legal, economic, political, social perspectives. Role acquisition, role conflict, role strain, and role definition.
523 Primary Care of the Family I (4, Sm) Family theory, assessment; pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of common health problems in infancy through young adulthood. Theory applied to health promotion in multi-ethnic families. Prerequisite: acceptance into FNP program; "pass" on physical assessment performance exam; corequisite: NURS 500, NURS 524L, NURS 565.
524L Practicum in Primary Care of the Family I (4, Sm) Clinical preceptorship focusing on: family assessment; health promotion; diagnosis and management of common health problems in infancy through young adulthood. Prerequisite: acceptance into FNP program; "pass" on physical assessment performance exam; corequisite: NURS 523, NURS 565.
533 Primary Care of the Family II (4, Fa) Family assessment, intervention; pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of common health problems in mature adults. Theory applied to health promotion in mature multi-ethnic families. Prerequisite: NURS 523, NURS 524L; corequisite: NURS 534L.
534L Practicum in Primary Care of the Family II (4, Fa) Clinical preceptorship focusing on: family intervention; health promotion; diagnosis and management of common health problems in mature adults and the elderly. Prerequisite: NURS 523, NURS 524L; corequisite: NURS 533.
543 Seminar on Advanced Clinical Topics in Primary Care (1, Sp) Synthesis of theories and research to develop comprehensive management plans for primary care of multi-ethnic families with complex health problems. Seminar format. Prerequisite: NURS 523, NURS 524L, NURS 533, NURS 534L; corequisite: NURS 544L.
544L Advanced Clinical Residency in Primary Care (4, Sp) Synthesis preceptorship focusing on management of complex primary health care problems in multi-ethnic families. Prerequisite: NURS 523, NURS 524L, NURS 533, NURS 534L; corequisite: NURS 543.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995