Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (131 Unit Program)

A cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) is required for all courses taken at USC as well as for all courses taken within the Department of Civil Engineering. In addition, a minimum grade of C must be earned in each of the following courses: CE 205, 225, 309 and 325. See also common requirements for undergraduate degrees.

First Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 105LSurveying for Civil Engineering2
CE 108Introduction to Computer Methods in Civil Engineering2
CE 107Introduction to Civil Engineering Graphics4
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLAdvanced General Chemistry4
MATH 125Calculus I4
First Year, Second SemesterUnits
COMP 101*Introduction to Expository Writing4
MATH 126Calculus II4
PHYS 151LFundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics, Waves, and Sound4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4

*Students who exceed 600 in Verbal SAT scores may replace this with an offered humanities course. See Common Requirements.

Second Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 205Statics2
MATH 226Calculus III4
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Thermodynamics, Electricity, and Magnetism4
Electiveshumanities or social sciences8
Second Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 225Mechanics of Deformable Bodies3
CE 402Computer Methods in Civil Engineering3
MATH 245Mathematics of Physics and Engineering I4
PHYS 153LFundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics, or
GEOL 305LxIntroduction to Engineering Geology, or
CHEM 105bLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115bLAdvanced General Chemistry4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
Third Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 309Fluid Mechanics3
CE 325Dynamics3
CE 358Theory of Structures I3
CE 471Principles of Transportation Engineering3
EE 202LLinear Circuits, or
EE 326LEssentials of Electrical Engineering4
Third Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 334LMechanical Behavior of Materials3
CE 451Water Resources Engineering4
ME 310Engineering Thermodynamics I3
Electivescivil engineering and technical electives6
Fourth Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 404Fundamentals of Law for Engineers3
CE 408Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering3
CE 453Water Quality Control3
CE 464Geotechnical Engineering3
Electivecivil engineering and technical elective3
Fourth Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 468LExperimental Soil Mechanics3
CE 480Structural Systems Design3
Electiveshumanities or social sciences4
Electivescivil engineering and technical electives6
Requirements for graduationUnits
Humanities or social sciences20
Civil engineering electives12
Other technical elective3
Minimum requirements for graduation131

Three design courses must be selected from the following seven CE courses: 409abL; 429; 476; 465; 457; 456; and 478.

The Department of Civil Engineering must approve all curricula leading to a degree; please note this includes transfer credit and units for courses waived for subject credit only, which have been approved through the Degree Progress Department.


If the student chooses at least 15 units of civil engineering electives and other technical electives from certain specific sets of courses in a single specialized area of study, the student may graduate with a special designation on the transcript as follows: construction engineering, structural engineering or water resources engineering. A general Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering without special designation is also given. Specific course requirements for a degree with special designation may be secured by request from the Department of Civil Engineering.

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Building Science) (135 Unit Program)

A cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) is required in all courses taken at USC, as well as for all courses taken within the Department of Civil Engineering. In addition, a minimum grade of C must be earned in each of the following courses: CE 205, 225, 309 and 325. See also the common requirements for undergraduate degrees.

First Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 105LSurveying for Civil Engineering2
CE 108LIntroduction to Computer Methods in Civil Engineering2
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLAdvanced General Chemistry4
COMP 101*Introduction to Expository Writing4
MATH 125Calculus I4
First Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 107Introduction to Civil Engineering Graphics4
MATH 126Calculus II4
PHYS 151LFundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics, Waves, and Sound4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
Second Year, First SemesterUnits
ARCH 205aL**Building Science I4
CE 205Statics2
MATH 226Calculus III4
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Thermodynamics, Electricity, and Magnetism4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
Second Year, Second SemesterUnits
ARCH 114Introduction to Modern Architecture2
ARCH 205bL**Building Science I4
CE 225Mechanics of Deformable Bodies3
GEOL 305Introduction to Engineering Geology, or
PHYS 153LFundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics4
MATH 245Mathematics of Physics and Engineering I4
Third Year, First SemesterUnits
ARCH 305aL**Building Science II4
CE 309Fluid Mechanics3
CE 358Theory of Structures I3
CE 456Design of Steel Structures3
CE 325Dynamics3
Third Year, Second SemesterUnits
ARCH 214b***History and Theory II4
ARCH 305bL**Building Science II4
CE 334LMechanical Behavior of Materials3
CE 457Reinforced Concrete Design3
Fourth Year, First SemesterUnits
ARCH 405aL**Building Science III4
CE 404Fundamentals of Law for Engineers3
CE 408Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering3
CE 464Geotechnical Engineering3
ME 310Engineering Thermodynamics I3
Fourth Year, Second SemesterUnits
ARCH 405bL**Building Science III4
CE 402Computer Methods in Engineering3
CE 458Theory of Structures II3
Electiveshumanities or social sciences4

*Students who exceed 600 in Verbal SAT scores may replace this with an offered humanities course. See Common Requirements.

**The School of Architecture requires a minimum grade of C in ARCH 205ab, 305ab and 405ab in order to continue in the building science design sequence.

***This course must be included with the general education requirements.

****Engineering electives must be selected from the following courses: CE 451, 453, 459, 460, 471, 409, 468L and 478.

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) (130 Unit Program)

A cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) is required for all courses taken at USC as well as for all courses taken within the Department of Civil Engineering. In addition, a minimum grade of C must be earned in each of the following courses: CE 205, 225, 309 and 325. See also common requirements for undergraduate degrees.

First Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 110Introduction to Environmental Engineering4
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLAdvanced General Chemistry4
MATH 125Calculus I4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
First Year, Second SemesterUnits
CHEM 105bLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115bLAdvanced General Chemistry4
COMP 101Introduction to Expository Writing4
MATH 126Calculus II4
PHYS 151LFundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics, Waves, and Sound4
Second Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 108Introduction to Computer Methods in Civil Engineering2
CE 210LIntroduction to Environmental Engineering Microbiology2
CE 205Statics2
MATH 226Calculus III4
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Thermodynamics, Electricity, and Magnetism4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
Second Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 225Mechanics of Deformable Bodies3
ENE 400Environmental Engineering Principles3
MATH 245Mathematics of Physics and Engineering I4
PHYS 153LFundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
Third Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 309Fluid Mechanics3
CE 325Dynamics3
CE 358Theory of Structures I3
CE 443Environmental Chemistry3
CE 453Water Quality Control3
Third Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 334LMechanical Behavior of Materials3
CE 402Computer Methods in Civil Engineering3
CE 451Water Resources Engineering4
Electivescivil engineering and technical electives6
Fourth Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 408Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering3
CE 464Geotechnical Engineering3
CE 463LWater Chemistry and Analysis3
CE 484Water Treatment Design3
ME 310Engineering Thermodynamics3
Fourth Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 404Fundamentals of Law for Engineers3
CE 485Wastewater Treatment Design3
ENE 428LAir Pollution Fundamentals3
Electiveshumanities or social sciences4
Electivecivil engineering and technical elective3

Two design courses must be selected from the following courses: CE 409, 457, 465, 466 and 476.

One civil/environmental engineering technical elective can be selected from the following four courses: ENE 429, CE 456, CE 468L and 480.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (132 Unit Program)

A cumulative scholarship average of C (2.0) is required for all courses taken at USC as well as for all courses taken in the Civil Engineering Department. In addition, a minimum grade of C must be earned in each of the following courses: CE 205, 225 and ENE 410. See also common requirements for undergraduate degrees.

Requirements for GraduationUnits
Humanities or social sciences16
Civil engineering design electives6
Other technical elective3
Minimum requirements for graduation130
First Year, First SemesterUnits
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLAdvanced General Chemistry4
CE 110Introduction to Environmental Engineering4
MATH 125Calculus I4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
First Year, Second SemesterUnits
CHEM 105bLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115bLAdvanced General Chemistry4
MATH 126Calculus II4
PHYS 151LFundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics, Waves, and Sound4
COMP 101Introduction to Expository Writing4
Second Year, First SemesterUnits
CE 108Introduction to Computer Methods in Civil Engineering2
CE 205Statics2
MATH 226Calculus III4
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Thermodynamics, Electricity, and Magnetism4
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
Second Year, Second SemesterUnits
BISC 106LPrinciples of Biology4
CE 225Mechanics of Deformable Bodies3
ENE 400Principles of Environmental Engineering3
MATH 245Mathematics of Physics and Engineering4
Third Year, First SemesterUnits
CHEM 322aLOrganic Chemistry4
CHE 330Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics4
CE 443Environmental Chemistry3
CE 453Water Quality Control3
ENE 410Environmental Fluid Mechanics3
Third Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 402Computer Methods in Civil Engineering3
ENE 428LAir Pollution Fundamentals3
GEOL 305LxIntroduction to Engineering Geology4
PTE 463LIntroduction to Transport Processes in Porous Media3
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
Fourth Year, First SemesterUnits
CHE 442Chemical Reactor Analysis4
CE 484Water Treatment Design3
ENE 429Air Pollution Control3
POSC 347Environmental Law4
Electiveengineering or science4
Fourth Year, Second SemesterUnits
CE 451Water Resources Engineering4
CE 463LWater Chemistry and Analysis3
CE 485Wastewater Treatment Design3
ENE 495Seminar in Environmental Engineering1
Electivehumanities or social sciences4
Electiveengineering or science3
Requirements for GraduationUnits
Humanities or social sciences
(breadth requirement* -- 16 units;
POSC 347 -- 4 units)20
Engineering design elective3
Science elective4
Minimum requirements for graduation132

*See common requirements for undergraduate degrees in Engineering

Minor in Environmental Engineering

See listing in the Environmental Engineering section.

Next Section

Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
One engineering design elective must be selected from the following four courses:
CE 409aLComputer Aided Design3
CE 465Water Supply and Sewerage System Design3
CE 466Open Channel Flow3
CE 476Hydraulic Design3
One science elective must be selected from the following courses:
BISC 351LIntroduction to Ecology4
CHEM 430aPhysical Chemistry4
GEOL 412Introduction to Physical and Chemical Oceanography4
GEOL 460LGeochemistry4