562abc Clinic: Oral Surgery (0-0-1) Supervised clinical experience in health history, surgical evaluation, extraction of teeth, and minor oral surgery procedures. Includes special case seminars.
563abc Clinic: Oral Surgery (0-0-1) Supervised clinical experience in health history, surgical evaluation, extraction of teeth, and minor oral surgery procedures. Includes special case seminars.
564abcd Clinic: Hospital Oral Surgery (0-0-0-1) Observation of inpatient and outpatient oral and maxillofacial surgery, participation in clinic care of patients with dento-alveolar pathology, introduction to management of medically compromised patient.
611abc Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (0-0-4) More advanced instruction in oral and maxillofacial surgery and related diseases as appropriate to the practice of general dentistry; extensive clinical experience. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
701ab Seminar: Advanced Oral Surgery (2-2) Problems in advanced oral surgery and hospital oral surgery including student presentations and critique of clinical cases.
702ab Seminar: Review of the Oral Surgery Literature (2-2) Critical analysis of recent oral surgery and other related literature.
721 Surgical Anatomy (2) Intensive review of anatomy relevant to the practice of oral surgery. Includes dissections and animal surgery.
761abcd Clinic: Advanced Oral Surgery (1-10 each) Clinical evaluation and surgical treatment of dento-alveolar disease in out-patient clinic.
763abcd Clinic: Advanced Hospital Oral Surgery and Anesthesia (1-10 each) Surgical treatment of patients and service in medical anesthesia at the LAC+USC Medical Center.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995