Courses of Instruction, page 6
School of Dentistry

Human Behavior (HBHV)

310 Interactional Skills in Dental Hygiene (1) Training in the application of behavioral and communication skills.

501 Behavioral Skills in Dentistry (1) Introduction to key personal, interpersonal, and professional factors that shape the doctor-patient relationship; ways interactional skills influence the effectiveness, durability, and satisfaction of the doctor-patient relationship.

502 Interactional Skills (1) Introduction to purpose, objectives, and principles of clinical interviewing.

503 Behavioral Principles in Dentistry (2) Application of behavioral principles and communication skills in dentistry for the international dentist: doctor-patient relationship, clinical interviewing, behavioral treatment of pain, patient management.

504 Patient Education and Management (1) Management of difficult patients; psychology and behavioral treatment of pain; patient education of treatment planning; smoking cessation program.

550 Communications in Clinical Dentistry (1) Verbal and nonverbal communication in clinical dentistry; clinical experience in use of manual, verbal, and non-verbal communication skills during a traumatic injection procedure.

561abcde Clinic: Behavioral Dentistry (0-0-0-0-1) Clinical application of behavioral dentistry principles. Data collection, case presentation, fear reduction (iatrosedation), and tobacco cessation.

601 Understanding Stress in Dental Practice (2) Investigation of the approaches to understanding and managing stress, especially the stress issues in dentistry.

610 Advanced Iatrosedation (1) Clinical treatment of the apprehensive patient; application of iatrosedative principles to the treatment of anxiety. Prerequisite: permission of course director.

612 Hypnosis for Control of Dental Apprehension (1) Control of dental fear and apprehension through iatrosedation and hypnosis; class participation in self-hypnosis, basic induction techniques, imagery conditioning. Prerequisite: permission of course director.

Interdisciplinary - Basic Sciences (INTB)

504 Human Craniofacial Development and Genetics (3) Principles of human embryology and genetics; craniofacial developmental biology; molecular genetics, cytogenetics, clinical orofacial genetics, genetic counseling; bioethics.

521 Basic and Medical Microbiology (3) Fundamentals of microbial structure, growth and physiology; major bacterial, viral and fungal diseases, symptoms, course, control and treatment; emphasis on diseases related to dental management.

601 Advances in Oral Biology (2) Review of basics of scientific methodology; comparison between and indications for scientific studies and case reports; critical review of current dental literature.

602 Recent Advances in Nutrition (1) Reading and discussion of research articles, reviews, and other sources of information about human nutrition. Students prepare brief written critiques of the material examined.

603 Systematic Approach to Scientific Writing (2) Study of dental research publication and review of writing principles; focus on logical arrangement of information, avoidance of common writing flaws, attainment of syntactical fluency.

604 Clinics in Craniofacial Malformations (2) Diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of craniofacial malformations; principles of health care of craniofacial malformation patients. Includes hospital clinical observation.

650abcdef Dental Research Participation (1-6 each) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinical dental areas. Experience in research strategy, design and methods using practical scientific problem solving.

651abcd Experience in Dental Teaching (1-6 each) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinic settings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effective methods.

652 Externship (1-6) Dental experience at an off-site location - not limited to clinical experience. Student participation must be approved by Associate Dean, Academic Affairs.

690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance; proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paper written. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.

Interdisciplinary - Developmental Dentistry (INDD)

501 Applied Growth and Development (1) Clinical relevance of chronological and biological assessment of maturation related primarily to diagnosis and prognosis.

601 Orthodontic/Pedodontic Interface (1) Overview of the nature of the specialties of Pedodontics and Orthodontics with emphasis on their interrelated roles and their contemporary problems.

650abcdef Dental Research Participation (1-6 each) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinical dental areas. Experience in research strategy, design and methods using practical scientific problem solving.

651abcd Experience in Dental Teaching (1-6 each) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinic settings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effective methods.

652 Externship (1-6) Dental experience at an off-site location - not limited to clinical experience. Student participation must be approved by Associate Dean, Academic Affairs.

690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance; proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paper written. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.

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