Bachelor of Science in Gerontology

Minor in Gerontology

Bachelor of Science in Gerontology

The Bachelor of Science in Gerontology prepares students for admission to a graduate or professional school with an emphasis on aging, such as medicine, law, dentistry, social work, occupational/physical therapy, public administration, urban planning, business or social gerontology. It also prepares students for entry level jobs in services for the aging in senior centers, corporations, nursing homes, nutrition programs, volunteer programs, area agencies on aging or other human services organizations.

Students planning to pursue a B.S. are urged to notify the school of this intent as early as possible during their undergraduate study. This will help ensure that the student receives proper advisement and that the student is alerted to any special requirements or program modifications.

During the freshman and sophomore years, students enroll primarily in general education required courses as specified by the university and the Gerontology gateway course (GERO 200).

During their junior and senior years, students enroll in required and elective courses in the School of Gerontology as well as other courses throughout the university. These courses are selected in consultation with an advisor and reflect the personal and professional interests of the students.

A grade point average of at least C (2.0) on all units attempted at USC is required for undergraduate degrees. The School of Gerontology requires a minimum 2.0 grade point average in upper division major courses.

A Health Science track within the Bachelor of Science in Gerontology program has been designed for students who wish to pursue a career in medicine or other health related fields. Students will be able to meet medical school entrance requirements, while the program will also provide appropriate breadth and rigor of gerontology instruction and fulfill general education requirements. In addition, students will participate in a supervised practicum experience in which they will become directly involved with aging clients in a health care setting. Students interested in this program must make application to the department and be approved for admission to this specialized track. Upon acceptance, student progress will be closely monitored by a faculty advisor.

General Education Requirements

As of fall 1997, the university has instituted a new general education program, designed to be a simpler, more coherent and more integrated introduction to the breadth of knowledge outside the major discipline which is expected of every undergraduate who receives a degree from USC. This new program requires six courses in different categories, plus writing and diversity requirements, which are described in detail here.

All students who (1) enter the School of Gerontology as freshmen in the summer of 1997 or later; or (2) begin college elsewhere in the summer of 1997 or later; or (3) began college earlier but transfer to USC in the summer of 2000 or later must satisfy the requirements of the new general education program. Other students whose schedules permit are encouraged to follow the new program as well. However, continuing and transfer students in the fall of 1997 may elect to satisfy a "transitional" plan instead.

Foreign Language (12 Units)

All students except those in the Health Science Track must satisfy the skill level requirement in one language or complete PDP101x, 250x and two 100x programming courses.

Degree Requirements

Required coursesUnits
GERO 200Gerontology: The Science of Adult Development4
GERO 210Biology of Adult Development4
General Education24
Writing Requirement8
Foreign Language12
GERO 320Psychology of Adult Development4
GERO 330Society and Adult Development4
GERO 340Policy, Values and Power in an Aging Society4
GERO 350Administrative Problems in Aging4
GERO 481Case Management for Older Adults4
GERO 491Gerontology Practicum4
GERO 492Senior Seminar in Aging4
Gerontology electives12
One approved statistics course4
Electives in gerontology and related disciplines32

Health Science Track in Gerontology

Requirements for Admission

The listed requirements for admission to the Health Science track in gerontology will not differ from existing requirements for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Gerontology. However, because health professional schools are very competitive, USC students interested in this program will be expected to have achieved at least a 3.0 grade point average (A = 4.0) and will be carefully reviewed by faculty before being admitted. Students entering the program from high schools or transferring from community colleges will also be expected to meet the minimum admission standards as well as undergo a faculty review. Current USC students will not be able to "declare" gerontology as their major and enroll in the Health Science track without specific admission by the gerontology faculty.

Requirements for Completion of the Health Science Track

Students must complete 128 total units.

General Education Requirements

As of fall 1997, the university has instituted a new general education program, designed to be a simpler, more coherent and more integrated introduction to the breadth of knowledge outside the major discipline which is expected of every undergraduate who receives a degree from USC. This new program requires six courses in different categories, plus writing and diversity requirements, which are described in detail here.

All students who (1) enter the School of Gerontology as freshmen in the summer of 1997 or later; or (2) begin college elsewhere in the summer of 1997 or later; or (3) began college earlier but transfer to USC in the summer of 2000 or later must satisfy the requirements of the new general education program. Other students whose schedules permit are encouraged to follow the new program as well. However, continuing and transfer students in the fall of 1997 may elect to satisfy a "transitional" plan instead.

Science and MathematicsUnits
BISC 110L-112LIntroduction to Biology I, II8
CHEM 105abLGeneral Chemistry8
CHEM 322abLOrganic Chemistry8
MATH 125Calculus I4
PHYS 135abLPhysics for the Life Sciences8
Gerontology Upper Division
Core Courses
GERO 310Physiology of Aging4
GERO 320Psychology of Adult Development, or
GERO 330Society and Adult Development4
GERO 340Policy, Values and Power in an Aging Society4
GERO 414Neurobiology of Aging4
GERO 495Practicum in Geriatric Care4

Gerontology Upper Division Electives (12 units)

Electives may include seminars on ethical issues in health care, medical and neuro-affective disorders and other courses of interest to pre-professional students.

Elective Courses in Relation to the Major (24 units)

These may include courses from any department in the university. Electives are recommended by school faculty advisors based on the student's career plans. At least eight credits must be upper-division courses. Electives may include additional courses required for admission to specific professional programs.

Minor in Gerontology

The undergraduate minor program gives students in the university the option of combining their major with an emphasis in gerontology. The program provides students the opportunity to supplement their education with a basic understanding of the rapidly growing field of aging.

The minor, which is multidisciplinary in nature, allows the student to survey the sociological, political, psychological and biological aspects of aging; to gain an understanding of the current services available to older persons; and to examine the contemporary policy issues facing the field. There are three tracks. "Adult Development and Aging" is for students interested in how adults change psychologically and how society treats them as they age. "Aging and Health: Psychosocial Issues" is for students interested in a wide range of health issues in aging that are based largely on disciplines in the behavioral and social sciences as well as in physiology. Upon completion of 16 units the student in these tracks will receive a minor titled "Gerontology" from the School of Gerontology in addition to the bachelor's degree. The third track is titled "Aging and Health: Biological Issues" and is designed for students in biological sciences or exercise science who have completed biology and chemistry prerequisites in their courses of study and who are interested in biological as well as social bases of health issues in aging. Upon completion of 28 units, which includes 12 units of prerequisites, the student in this track will receive a minor titled "Gerontology" from the School of Gerontology in addition to the bachelor's degree.

Course Requirements

Adult Development and Aging Track

GERO 320Psychology of Adult Development (Recommended preparation: PSYC 100.)4
GERO 330Society and Adult Development4
Select two from the following:
GERO 380Diversity in Aging4
GERO 385Transitions in Adulthood4
GERO 435Women and Aging: Psychological, Social and Political Implications4
GERO 437Social and Psychological Aspects of Death and Dying4
SOCI 385Population, Society, and Aging4
SOWK 303Crises in Human Development4

Aging and Health: Psychosocial Issues Track

GERO 416Health Issues in Aging4
Select three from the following:
GERO 340Policy, Values, and Power in an Aging Society4
GERO 415Neuroaffective Disorders of Aging4
GERO 421Managed Care for an Aging Society4
GERO 437Social and Psychological Aspects of Death and Dying4
GERO 451Policy and Program Development in Aging4
GERO 475Ethical Issues in Geriatric Health Care4
GERO 481Case Management for Older Adults4
NURS 201Human Development: Health Issues Across the Life Span4
REL 319Religious and Ethical Issues in Death and Dying4
SOCI 385Population, Society, and Aging4

Aging and Health: Biological Issues Track

BISC 110LIntroduction to Biology I (Corequisite: CHEM 105aL or CHEM 115aL)4
BISC 112LIntroduction to Biology II (Corequisite: CHEM 105bL or 115bL)4
GERO 310Physiology of Aging (Prerequisite: BISC 112L)4
GERO 416Health Issues in Aging4
Select two from the following:
GERO 340Policy, Values, and Power in an Aging Society4
GERO 414Neurobiology of Aging (Prerequisite: BISC 112L)4
GERO 415Neuroaffective Disorders of Aging4
GERO 421Managed Care for an Aging Society4
GERO 437Social and Psychological Aspects of Death and Dying4
GERO 451Policy and Program Development in Aging4
GERO 475Ethical Issues in Geriatric Health Care4
GERO 481Case Management for Older Adults4
GERO 496Introduction to Clinical Geriatrics (Prerequisite: BISC 112L)4
NURS 201Human Development: Health Issues Across the Life Span4
REL 319Religious and Ethical Issues in Death and Dying4
SOCI 385Population, Society, and Aging4



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