Undergraduate Programs 3

Substitution for Major Requirements

If a student wishes an adjustment to the major requirements in his or her department or program, the department advisor can make a change through a Memorandum of Internal Substitution; it is not necessary to petition the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures (CAPP) for such an alteration. Both USC course substitutions and the substitution of accepted transfer work in the major field of study for specific USC requirements can be accommodated within the department.

Unit Limitation

There is an established limit of 40 upper division units in any major. A student wishing to exceed the limit must obtain the approval of the department in a memo of internal substitution with the final endorsement of the dean of curriculum and instruction.

Professional Unit Limitation

Up to 24 units in courses from USC professional schools -- such as Architecture, Business, Education, Engineering, Gerontology, Music, Public Administration, and Safety and Systems Management -- may count toward a B.A. or B.S. degree from the college. The student must obtain the approval of the dean to take additional professional units. Transferable professional courses are to be included in the 24 unit maximum. (See admissions policies.)

Units Required Each Semester

The student is expected to complete about 16 units each semester; 18 units are generally considered to be the maximum number in a manageable program. If the student wants to enroll in more than 18 units, he or she may do so, but should consult first with the academic advisor.

Grade Point Average Requirement

A grade point average of at least C (2.0) on all units attempted at USC is required for undergraduate degrees. The college requires a minimum 2.0 grade point average in upper division major courses. Some departments require grades of C or higher in specified courses. A grade point average of at least 3.0 on all units attempted at USC is required for master's degrees. A grade point average of at least B (3.0) on all units attempted at USC is required for doctoral degrees.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995