Undergraduate Degrees

Bachelor of Fine Arts

This is a four-year professional program in preparation for a career in the fine arts and/or pursuit of a Master of Fine Arts degree. A common core curriculum in the first two years provides a general studies base and introductory studio experiences in two- and three-dimensional arts. The Bachelor of Fine Arts program provides flexibility to account for individual student preference and maturation in the chosen area of specialization. There will be a review process after the third semester of the lower division core sequence. Students will then be encouraged either to continue with a Bachelor of Fine Arts program or pursue the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts). A grade of C or higher is required in departmental courses for all undergraduate majors in the School of Fine Arts.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) requires a total of 128 units, distributed as follows.
First Year, FallUnits
COMP 101Introduction to Expository Writing4
FA 101aDrawing I3
FA 102Two-Dimensional Design3
FA 112Ceramics3
FA 120Western Art to 15004

First Year, SpringUnits
COMP 102Topics in Expository Writing4
FA 101bDrawing I3
FA 106aSculpture I3
FA 105Painting I3
FA 121Western Art after 15004

Second Year, Fall

FA 106bSculpture I3
FA 201aDrawing II3
FA 205aPainting II3
FA 209aPhotography3
General education4

Second Year, SpringUnits
FA 204Introduction to Art Theory and Criticism3
FA 205bPainting II3
FA 206Sculpture II3
FA 209bPhotography3
General education4

Third Year, FallUnits
Art History 300/400 level4
Foundations of Non-Western Cultures4
Studio 300/400 level4
Studio 300/400 level4

Third Year, Spring

FA 275Contemporary Art Survey3
General education4
Studio 300/400 level4
Studio 300/400 level4

Fourth Year, FallUnits
FA 404Senior Seminar3
Studio 300/400 level4
Studio 300/400 level4
General education4

Fourth Year, SpringUnits
Studio 300/400 level4
Studio 300/400 level4
Studio 300/400 level4
General education4

General Education Requirements

Skill Level, Composition

Expository Writing 101 and 102 and meet the composition skill level requirement.

Areas of Study

Requirements from the general education areas of study are: the Natural World, one course; American Public Life, one course; Western Culture I or II, FA 120; Non-Western Cultures, one course; Literature, one course; the Arts, FA 121; Empirical Approaches, one course; Ethical Approaches, one course.

Diversity Requirement

All students must pass one course from the list of courses approved to meet the standard diversity requirement. These courses carry the designation "m" for multiculturalism.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez