Computer Engineering

Undergraduate Degree
Graduate Degrees

Undergraduate Degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Students attaining the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Science would possess the scientific and engineering skills and knowledge that would enable them to design and implement computer systems that effectively and efficiently integrate developing hardware and software technologies. This degree is administered jointly by the Departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

In order to earn the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Science, the student must: (1) earn 132 class units as described below; (2) achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on all course work undertaken at USC; (3) attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on all course work completed in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at USC.

The course work required to attain the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Science is outlined below in the sample four-year degree program. The course work specified in the sample program must be satisfactorily completed, but can be completed in a sequence differing from the sample program as long as the course corequisites and prerequisites are satisfied.

Sample Four-Year Program

First Year, First SemesterUnits
COMP 101*Introduction to Expository Writing4
CSCI 101LFundamentals of Computer Programming4
EE 101Introduction to Digital Logic3
MATH 125Calculus I4
First Year, Second SemesterUnits
COMP 102*Topics in Expository Writing4
CSCI 102Data Structures3
EE 102LIntroduction to Digital Circuits2
MATH 126Calculus II4
Electivegeneral education**4
Second Year, First SemesterUnits
CSCI 271Discrete Methods in Computer Science4
MATH 226Calculus III4
PHYS 151LFundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics, Waves, and Sound4
Electivegeneral education**4
Second Year, Second SemesterUnits
EE 357Basic Organization of Computer Systems3
MATH 225Linear Algebra and Differential Equations4
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Thermodynamics, Electricity, and Magnetism4
Third Year, First SemesterUnits
CSCI 301Theory of Computation3
CSCI 402xOperating Systems3
EE 326LEssentials of Electrical Engineering4
MATH 407Probability Theory4
Electivegeneral education**4
Third Year, Second SemesterUnits
CSCI 303Analyses and Design of Algorithms3
EE 327Digital Electronics3
EE 457xComputer Systems Organization3
Electivegeneral education**4
Fourth Year, First SemesterUnits
EE 454LIntroduction to Systems Using Microprocessors4
Electivegeneral education**4
Fourth Year, Second SemesterUnits
EE 459LSenior Design Project, or
CS 477Large Software System Design3 or 4
16 or 17

*Composition: Expository Writing 111 and 112 can be taken by foreign students in place of Expository Writing 101 and 102.

**The humanities and social sciences courses must be consistent with the common requirements for a degree in Engineering and must be selected from those published in the General Education section of this catalogue and in the General Education Addendum.

***Science electives can be taken from the following list: PHYS 153L, CHEM 105aL or other science courses as approved by the student's advisor.

****Eighteen units of technical electives may be taken from the following list: EE 450, 465, 478L, 479; CSCI 201L, 410, 420, 460, 480, 485; or other EE and CSCI courses as approved by the student's advisor.

*****Any 400-level mathematics course which can count toward the B.S. degree in mathematics with the exception of MATH 407.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995