Courses of Instruction, page 2
Institute of Safety and Systems Management

Human Factors and Ergonomics (HUFA)

200 People and Technology: An Introduction to Human Factors (3) Overview of the human factors field; history, data bases, human error, technology and environmental design, examples in transportation, work, consumer, and organizational environments.

301 Judgment and Decision Making (3) Overview of human judgment; heuristics in judgments about uncertainty; prediction; evaluation; risky choice; learning relations; role of memory, creativity, and imagination; problem structuring; decision aiding.

312 Industrial Psychology (3) Psychological principles and practices in human factors as applied to industry.

365 Introduction to Macro-Human Factors (3) Principles and elements of sociotechnical systems: role responsibilities, skill requirements, personnel policies, organizational structure and training programs to optimizing the design and use of technological systems. Recommended preparation: HUFA 200.

415 Safety Training Development (3, Sp) Personnel training fundamentals for safety and human factors; instructional design; training device design, to include audiovisual support; computer support and training methodologies. Recommended preparation: SASC 300.

427x Cognitive Performance in Human Factors (3) Basic and complex human information processing; applications to aerospace and industrial systems. Not available for credit to MSHF majors. Recommended preparation: PSYC 100, PSYC 274.

432 Ergonomics and Information Processing (3, Sp) Role of ergonomics in safety and health; emphasis on cognitive performance and role in accident causation; human capabilities and limitations; design requirements; safety equipment; environment control.

440 Social Organization and Technology (3, Fa) (Enroll in ISE 440)

441x Ergonomics and Physical Performance (3) Fundamental relationships and principles used in matching the demands of products, tasks, jobs and environments to the physical strengths and limitations of humans. Not available for credit to MSHF majors.

452x Human Factors in Aviation Safety (3) A survey of human factors in aviation safety; the psychological and physiological aspect of human performance involved in the causation and prevention of aircraft accidents. Not available for graduate credit to ISSM majors.

465x Human Factors Applications to Special Areas and Populations (3) Human factors, design for elderly and physically handicapped populations, technology transfer, large-scale and complex technological operations. Three Mile Island, Bhopal, managerial and economic considerations. Recommended preparation: HUFA 200.

510 Systems Management Communication Theory (3, FaSp) Communication skills within managerial relationships. Application of principles of language, psychology, management, and problem-solving; feedback measurements of communication effectiveness.

511 Design of Personnel Systems (3) Concepts, principles, and practices in development, recruitment, selection, and performance optimization of human resources in technological systems.

515 Personnel and Training Systems Development (3) Personnel and training fundamentals for human factors; training device design, systems approach to training, manning, computer applications, and material selection.

517 Psychological Factors in Systems (3, FaSp) Human characteristics and their bearing on management and design of systems; contemporary issues in performance motivation, leadership, job satisfaction, decision making, organizational change, group behavior.

522 Design of Organizationally Compatible Complex Technologies (3) Alternative processes that promote the design of complex technologies that are compatible with organizational and human needs are discussed and compared to traditional processes. Recommended preparation: HUFA 577.

523 Socio-Environmental Factors in Systems Management (3, Fa) Behavioral dynamics as affected by environmental, social, and organizational factors; ecology and life science considerations in systems management. Recommended preparation: HUFA 517.

527 Applied Issues in Human Information Processing (3, Sp) Analysis of human behavior in complex human-machine systems. Topics to be covered include vigilance, signal detection theory and data gathering paradigms used in application settings.

529 Organization-Environment Interaction (3) Co-evolution of organization, environment, and systems management; structural and dynamic dimensions of the internal and external environment; stability; structured change; systems theory; adaptive organizational design.

532 Human Factors in Accident Causation (3, FaSp) Environment control; human tolerance and stress; mechanics of injury; fatigue; emotional stress; group coordination; human response; case studies in accidents; design requirements; personnel management problems.

533 Advanced Job Analysis, Design, and Mental Workload Assessment (3) Job analysis, determination of factors influencing loading levels of cognitive tasks, mental workload assessment methods, applications, utility.

537 Quasi- and Non-Experimental Research Methods and Analysis (3, Sp) Methods and analytic procedures for research in socio-technical environments; quasi-experiments, time series designs, qualitative case studies, surveys, multivariate analysis, internal and external validity. Recommended preparation: SSM 552.

539 Environmental Design in Human Factors (3) Micro- and macro-environmental design in human factors; anthropometry, layout design, stress, environmental system design, analysis techniques in human factors. Recommended preparation: SSM 531.

540 Occupational Ergonomics (3, Fa) Theories and concepts within applied science of ergonomics; factors of human physical performance in workplaces; material handling and lifting; enhancement of occupational safety and health. Recommended preparation: SSM 531.

541 Human Performance: Neuromuscular Behavior (3, Sp) Skilled human performance in terms of learning process and execution of tasks; factors influencing skill acquisition; neural and muscular system integrative function for neuromuscular control. Recommended preparation: SSM 531.

568 Human-Computer Interaction (3, Fa) Design and development of human-computer interfaces with emphasis on the systems integration process; context; usage of interactive interfaces; systems implementation.

573 Statistics and Data Analysis (3, Fa) Collection and analysis of data using descriptive and inferential statistics: sampling, correlation, regression, hypothesis testing; computer applications. Recommended preparation: SSM 552.

577 Macroergonomic Impacts of Complex Technology Systems (3) Review the literature and practice on impacts of computerized technology in manufacturing, service, and office settings on society, organizations and individuals.

589 Field Study (1-3, max 6) Prerequisite: completion of 9 units in MSHF and departmental approval.

631 Seminar in Human Factors Methods (3, FaSp) Advanced methods in human factors research and application: human performance research; systems analysis; modeling and simulation; environmental and work assessment; product and socio-technical evaluation. Prerequisite: SSM 531, SSM 552.

640 Seminar in Ergonomics (3, FaSp) Advanced topics in ergonomic analysis, design and development; designing technologies and environments for human performance requirements and special populations; modeling and simulation of environments; case studies and applications of ergonomic analysis and job design. Recommended preparation: prior completion of Ph.D. program core.

675 Recent Topics in Macroergonomics and Sociotechnical Systems (3, FaSp) Latest macroergonomic concepts through review of recent literature and field experiments, to include studies in user-centered design and group work. Recommended preparation: two courses in macroergonomics and sociotechnical systems area of concentration.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez