Past Catalogues
- USC Catalogue 2010-2011
- USC Catalogue 2009-2010
- USC Catalogue 2008-2009
- USC Catalogue 2007-2008
- USC Catalogue 2006-2007
- USC Catalogue 2005-2006
- USC Catalogue 2004-2005
- USC Catalogue 2003-2004
- USC Catalogue 2002-2003
- USC Catalogue 2001-2002
- USC Catalogue 2000-2001
- USC Catalogue 1999-2000
- USC Catalogue 1998-1999
2011-12 | 2010-11 | 2009-10 | 2008-09 |
2007-08 | 2006-07 | 2005-06 | 2004-05 |
The USC Catalogue is the document of authority for all students. The program requirements listed in the USC Catalogue supersede any information which may be contained in any bulletin of any school or department. The university reserves the right to change its policies, rules, regulations, requirements for graduation, course offerings and any other contents of this catalogue at any time.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications
University Park Campus
Los Angeles, California 90089
(213) 740-2200