College of Letters, Arts and 
spacer College-Wide Courses
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The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

Arts and Letters (ARLT)

100g Arts and Letters (4, FaSp) Critical analysis of significant works of literature, philosophy, visual arts, music and/or film; intensive reading and writing to develop knowledge of analytical techniques in the humanities. Limited to freshmen and sophomores. (Duplicates credit in ARLT 101 and in former LTA 100 and in former LTA 101.)

101g Studies in Arts and Letters (4, FaSp) Critical analysis of significant works of literature, philosophy, visual arts, music and/or film; intensive reading and writing to develop knowledge of analytical techniques in the humanities. Limited to students with sophomore status or higher. (Duplicates credit in ARLT 100 and in former LTA 100 and in former LTA 101.)

Cultures and Civilizations (CIVS)

100g Cultures and Civilizations Enrichment Section (0, Sp) Enrichment sections for clusters in Cultures and Civilizations I category.

Social Issues (SI)

100g Social Issues Lecture Series (0, FaSp) Required lecture series for all courses in Social Issues category. Concurrent enrollment: WRIT 140.

Social Sciences (SSC)

190 Community Service (2) The nature and societal context of community service and voluntarism. Direct participation in service-providing community-based nonprofit organizations. Lecture and discussion. Graded CR/NC.

University of Southern California (USC)

101 Honors Research Apprenticeship (1, max 2) Students work directly with faculty on faculty research projects, gain experience in the process of research and thereby contribute to new scholarship.

250 The Academic Culture (2, FaSp)Study the meaning of culture in society, experience the culture of learning on campus, and examine the relationship between the two. Topics will vary. Graded CR/NC. Not open to freshmen.